Friday Hodgepodge 

Oh hey there! In an attempt to get my blogging mojo back I’m checking in today with 5 quick things!

ONE }  On Monday Lance and I celebrated 7 years of marriage.  I originally started this blog to document the wedding planning process way back when so I couldn’t post without acknowledging that.  I won’t go into how our marriage has changed over the years…but it’s safe to say we have definitely evolved as a couple and learned so much about how to work together as a team since having kids.  Every year comes with new challenges and I couldn’t be more grateful to have Lance as my sidekick through it all.


TWO } Jack started TBall this week!  Lance has been pitching to him a ton in the backyard and I’m not trying to brag or anything…but the kid is getting pretty good.


I’m excited to see how he does this year!  The “games” are always good for comic relief.  You just never know what you’re going to get with 3&4 year olds.  Allison just likes the dirt…and yelling for “Da! Da!” the whole time.

THREE }  I’m meeting up with a potential babysitter tonight after work…and I’m not totally sure what I’m supposed to say or ask.  This is the first time I’ve tried to hire someone we don’t already know and/or family.  So while I’m a tad nervous…I’m actually not too concerned.  Now that it’s summer I’m itching to get out for some date nights!  So really as long as the girl doesn’t do meth I’m probably going to hire her.  Bonus points if she cleans up Mac-N-Cheese off the floor.

FOUR }  I’m proud to say I’m still going strong with the Beachbody workouts!  I never realized how much being in a challenge group would help…but it has made a world of a difference as far as staying motivated and on track.  If you’ve ever thought about doing it I say GO FOR IT!  


I was on the fence and am so glad that I did…I know I wouldn’t be in the shape I am today if I hadn’t signed up.  In fact, I recently finished 60 days of Insanity Max 30 and you better believed I submitted my results for that free tee.  That shit is HARD!


I lost a total of 9.5 inches, most of which were from my waist and hips!  So yep…this is what I’ll be wearing this summer from here on out.  Oh and next week is Shaun Week…I may be embarrassingly excited about getting my ass kicked every morning.

FIVE }  I ordered this super fancy blow up pool (since we don’t live in an HOA with a pool like the rest of JoCo) to keep the kids somewhat entertained on hot weekend this summer.


The seat on the inside sold me…and the cup holders because duh.  Planning to test it out this weekend with the balmy temps in the forecast so keep an eye on my Instagram if you want to see it in all its’ WT glory.  Hopefully a little classier step up from this…


Have a great weekend everyone!

 Linking up with Momfessionals


One thought on “Friday Hodgepodge 

  1. How’d the babysitter interview go? And congrats on 7 years! We celebrate ours next month! I want to see more wedding photos…the few I’ve seen are stunning! Great job with Beachbody! You better be rocking a bikini in that mini pool! Also, if you ever have a day off, text me and you can bring the kiddos to our pool!

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